rain or shine
If you say that someone does something rain or shine, you mean that they do it regularly, without being affected by the weather or other circumstances. 如果你说某人做某事是rain or shine,这就意味着这个人按部就班地做这件事,不论外界环境有何干扰都一如既往。
Don’t worry! We will hold the picnic rain or shine! 不用担心!我们这次举办的野餐可是风雨无阻!
A: I'm going hiking this Sunday. Do you want to come? 这个周六我要去徒步。你去吗? B: That sounds good. Rain or shine, you can count me in to be there! 这主意不错。加我一个。不管晴天还是下雨,我一定去!
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沐浴在爱的柔光里 ♥